Women of the World Launceston
6:30 pm18:30

Women of the World Launceston


Women of the World Launceston

Target audience: Women only cultural night

Event Type: A celebration of culture through storytelling, dance, music, fashion and food

Event Description: Come and join our celebration of the social fabric of Launceston. The evening will feature a sprinkling of global dances, costume, stories and supper, so we can enjoy and gain a deeper understanding of each other in this fabulous women's cultural night.

Venue: City Baptist Church, 11 Fredrick Street, Launceston

Contact: Robyn Flittner:  robflittner@hotmail.com

Date: 11/8//2018    Time:6:30 - 8:30pm

Wheelchair access: yes

Do people need to book for this event?: no

Entry/Participation Cost: $5

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Launceston Night Market
5:00 pm17:00

Launceston Night Market

  • Civic Square Launceston, TAS, 7250 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Launceston Night Market

Event Description: 

Inspired by night markets from around the world, the ‘Launceston Night Market’ will look to bring together creative people from Launceston’s food, music and beverage sectors.

At our night market the emphasis is more on "night" than “market”.

Our market will celebrate our community and showcase many wonderful local producers. Join us to celebrate the end of the working week with a glass of cider or meet your family and for an easy dinner. What ever the decision we hope you will join us on Friday the 10th of August Civic Square, from 5 to 9pm.

This is a free event.

Venue: Civic Square Launceston

Contact : Natasha 0406 968 337

Date: Friday 10th August   Time: 5pm  - 9pm

Opening hours of your venue: 5 to 9pm

Wheelchair access: Yes

Website: www.launcestonnightmarket.com



Contact Natasha Nieuwhof   Email Address: natasha@goatyhill.com

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Hails Nia Dance
7:30 pm19:30

Hails Nia Dance

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Hails Nia Dance

Target audience : Everybody welcome

Event Type: Dance event

Event Description: Nia is a fun, uplifting, energising, healing journey of JOYful movement with inspirational music.
A grounded, cardio movement class. A mind, body, spirit conditioning. A blend of dance arts, healing arts and martial arts.

Venue: Tasdance Studio 197 Wellington St Launceston

Contact: Hayley Crawford: hailsniadance@gmail.com.

Date: 9/8/2018  Time: 7:30:0 PM -  8:30:0 PM

Do people need to book for this event? : NO

Website: http://www.facebook.com/HayleyCrawfordNiaDanceTeacher/

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I promise not to be silent when I ought to speak
7:30 am07:30

I promise not to be silent when I ought to speak

Join us for a breakfast meeting with Rostrum Launceston. We meet weekly to practice public speaking in a supportive and fun environment.

Please come along and join us in celebration of the Tamar Peace Festival.

We will be speaking on a topic that is taken from the Rostrum promise, and supports the Festival's theme of Respect: "I promise not to be silent when I ought to speak".

You might choose to speak or just listen.

Organisation: Rostrum Club 9 Launceston

Website: https://www.rostrum.com.au/tas-club-list/tas-club-9

Event Type: Public speaking, friendship and breakfast – All welcome.

Venue:  The Pantry, 64 Charles Street. 

Event/Project Contact: Robert Stephens robertstephens123@bigpond.com

Start Date: 9/8/2018

Start Time: 7:30:0 AM End Time: 8:35:0 AM

Wheelchair access: Yes

Other Information: You may choose to purchase breakfast for $8.50 - $10 per head. and includes a barista made coffee.

Find us on Facebook @Rostrum7250

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A Pathway to Peace and Respect - Launceston Toastmasters
7:00 pm19:00

A Pathway to Peace and Respect - Launceston Toastmasters


 Launceston Toastmasters - A Pathway to Peace and Respect


Website: https://2115.toastmastersclubs.org/

Target audience: Open to the General Public. Participants will be invited to say a few words about 'Peace and Respect', and listen to other members and guests taking part in impromptu speaking, and delivering prepared speeches. There is no cost to attend, and a free supper is served with teas and coffee.

Event Type: Launceston Toastmasters Club meets twice a month from 7pm to 9pm. On 8th August our theme is 'Peace and Respect'. Each meeting is structured to work on impromptu speaking, prepared speech projects and leadership skills. Speeches are evaluated for commendations and recommendations in an encouraging, supportive environment. Come and see how Toastmasters can help you to achieve your confidence, leadership and speaking goals.

Event Description: At this event, you will be invited to say a few words about 'Peace and Respect' and listen to other members and guests taking part in impromptu speaking, and delivering prepared speeches. There is no cost to attend, and a free supper is served with teas and coffee. Good communication and leadership skills can change your life! How well you verbalise your thoughts and ideas, determines the impression you make on people and, ultimately, your personal success. Toastmasters will help teach you to organise, and present, your ideas logically and convincingly. We assist you to develop leadership skills and self-confidence that will enable you to handle just about any speaking situation with ease.

Venue: "Enterprize Space" 22-24 Paterson Street Launceston

Start Date: 8/8/2018 7pm – 9pm

Contact Name: Yvonne Gluyas  yvonnegluyas@gmail.com

Phone: (041) 332-1834

Does your venue have wheelchair access: yes

Do people need to book for this event? : no

Entry/Participation Cost: $0

Other Information: https://2115.toastmastersclubs.org/

Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LauncestonToastmasters/

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One Sky, Many Stories
6:00 pm18:00

One Sky, Many Stories


One Sky, Many Stories

Target audience: Everyone welcome

Event Description:This is an image of the bright star Antares in Scorpios. It has great significance in Arab, Persian and Indian astronomy traditions and will be in the eastern sky on the 8th of August. Mars shines brightly red when it moves through Scorpius and hence, in proximity to Mars in the sky, it gets the name Antares meaning Rival to Mars. It's also known as the Heart of the Scorpion in both Greek and Persian traditions. Join us to hear more stories about the sky from different cultures and share your own cultural stories.

Venue: Glen Dhu Primary School, 270 Wellington St, South Launceston

Contact: Alison Jales: alisonjales@hotmail.co.uk

Date: 8/8/2018   6 PM - 8PM

Wheelchair access: Yes

Do people need to book for this event?: No

Entry/Participation Cost: $0

Other Information/Questions: https://www.facebook.com/northernvalleysastronomyAST/

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Movement meets Meditation
2:00 pm14:00

Movement meets Meditation

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Movement meets Meditation

Target audience: Open Event - adults

Event Type: Community Dance & Meditation

Event Description: Stephanie will lead a Dance Movement & Meditation session for Peace, Joy & Wellbeing.

Sooth flowing music to support resting states and a combination of stirring, flowing, uplifting & rhythmic eclectic world music with guidance to inspire your creative dance movement.

Practise suitable for adults 18 - 80 years, with no dance steps to follow.

Please bring a yoga mat or blanket, water bottle & wear comfortable soft clothing that allows for movement.

Venue: Satsang Yoga Sanctuary, 70 Elizabeth Street, Launceston

Contact: Stephanie Honey   stephaniehoney1@gmail.com

Date: 8/8/2018  Time: 2:0:0 PM - 3:0:0 PM

Wheelchair access: No

Do people need to book for this event? : No

Entry/Participation Cost: $0

Website: http://www.facebook.com/restorativerestingandmovementretreat/

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Launceston Philosophy Cafe
6:00 pm18:00

Launceston Philosophy Cafe

Launceston Philosophy Cafe

Organisation: School of Humanities, University of Tasmania

Target audience : The event is open to the public but it is held in a pub, so restrictions apply with respect to unaccompanied minors

Event  Type: Facilitated philosophical discussion

Event Description: The Philosophy Café is a regular opportunity for members of the Launceston community to meet and discuss, in some depth, a philosophical topic of their own choosing. The Café is hosted by philosophers from the University of Tasmania as part of its commitment to ongoing intellectual engagement with the broader Tasmanian community. As part of the 2018 Tamar Peace Festival the Launceston Philosophy Café will consider some philosophical dimensions of the theme 'respect'.

Venue: Royal Oak Hotel, Brisbane St, Launceston

Event Contact: Graham Wood graham.wood@utas.edu.au

Date: 7/8//2018   6:0:0 PM - 7:30:0 PM

Opening hours of your venue: Please contact the venue for opening times

Does your venue have wheelchair access: Please contact the venue for access information

Do people need to book for this event? : No

Entry/Participation Cost: $0



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Inclusive Futsal Fun Open Day
4:15 pm16:15

Inclusive Futsal Fun Open Day

Inclusive Futsal Fun Open Day

Target audience : Target audience people with a disability from 5yrs through to seniors. On this occasion we are opening the session up to the community to join in.

Event Type: Inclusive sporting activity

Event Description: Come along and join in with our New Horizons Futsal team to enjoy some fun skills and end the session with some games. The NewHorizon Futsal team are made of players of all abilities with a disability and we would like to invite the community to join us for an active afternoon of Futsal (Indoor soccer)

Venue: Newstead College Gym

Contact: Belinda Kitto info@newhorizonsclub.org.au

Start Date: 7/8/2018

Time: 4:15 PM -  5:15PM

Wheelchair access: Yes

Please rsvp to New Horizons Club 63263344 or info@newhorizonsclub.org.au

Participation Cost: $3

Other Information/Questions: Any questions please call New Horizons 63263344

Organisation: New Horizons Club - provides sport, recreation and social opportunities for people with a disability.

Website: http://www.newhorizonsclub.org.au



  • Mel Phillips is the only female on the futsal team but she is not too bothered ABC Northern Tasmania Fred Hooper
  • Mr Foreman says futsal helps him with his balance, which is affected by living with cerebral palsy ABC Northern Tasmania Fred Hooper
  • Mr Ockerby was only stepping into the coaching role short term, but has been there for three years now ABC Northern Tasmania Fred Hooper
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Women in Leadership – Panel Event
11:45 am11:45

Women in Leadership – Panel Event


Women in Leadership – Panel Event

Event Type: Leadership Panel

Event Description: This dynamic panel features three powerful Tasmanian women talking about managing through change, work-life balance, managing your Board and power dynamics.

TasCOSS CEO Kym Goodes will host this unique networking and professional development opportunity.

Panel members:
Alderman Janie Finlay, City of Launceston
Naomi Walsh, Executive Manager, Virieux Group and Rosevears Developments
Jo Archer, Proprietor, Linking Tasmania

Venue: Peppers Seaport Hotel, 28 Seaport Boulevard, Launceston, Tasmania

Contact: Bridget Delaney, Community Sector Development Officer, bridget@tascoss.org.au

Date:  7th August, Time: 11:45am – 2:00pm

Wheelchair access: Yes

Organisation: Tasmanian Council of Social Service

Website: www.tascoss.org.au



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Hails Nia Dance
7:30 pm19:30

Hails Nia Dance

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Hails Nia Dance

Website: http://www.facebook.com/HayleyCrawfordNiaDanceTeacher/

Target audience : Everybody welcome

Event Type: Dance event

Event Description: Nia is a fun, uplifting, energising, healing journey of JOYful movement with inspirational music.
A grounded, cardio movement class. A mind, body, spirit conditioning. A blend of dance arts, healing arts and martial arts.

Venue: Windmill Hill Hall 18A High St East Launceston

Contact: Hayley Crawford: hailsniadance@gmail.com

Date: 6/8//2018  Time: 7:30:0 PM -  8:30:0 PM

Entry/Participation Cost: $0

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to 10 Aug




Event Type: There will be large letters spelling RESPECT, and encourage staff, clients, visitors and families to write in one of the letters, what respect means to them .   These letters would be made from different colours (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple) of cardboard and will approx. 1mtr x ½ mtr

Venue: headspace Launceston

Contact:  Alison Filgate  afilgate@csys.com.au

Date: 6-10 August

Opening hours of your venue: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday 9am 5pm Tuesday 12-5pm

Wheelchair access: yes

Entry/Participation Cost: $0

Website:  https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/launceston/               


Phone:   03 6335 3100

Organisation:  headspace Launceston

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Sing for Peace
2:00 pm14:00

Sing for Peace

Sing for Peace

Target audience: Open to the general public, gold coin donation

Event Type: Concert followed by afternoon tea

Even Description: Concert of Peace-themed songs from 3 adult community choirs and one school choir

Venue: Pilgrim Uniting Church, Paterson St, Launceston

Contact: Elaine Yates:  esyates@iinet.net.au

Start Date: 5/8/2018     2:0:0 PM -  3:0:0 PM

Wheelchair access: Yes

Do people need to book for this event? : No

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Colourful Bag Sewing Workshop
1:00 pm13:00

Colourful Bag Sewing Workshop

  • West Launceston Primary School Multipurpose Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Colourful Bag Sewing Workshop

Target audience : open

Event open to all ages with an interest in sewing.

Event/Project Type: Sewing together for birds, sealife and wildlife.

Event/Project Description: Colourful bags will be made from upcycled fabric to replace single use plastic bags. These can be reused many times in any way that a plastic bag is used. Experiencing peace by working together on a creative solution to an issue of concern to us all. Showing respect for all living things by reducing the potential risk to birds, sea creatures and wildlife. All materials will be provided and a suite of sewing machines set up to sew and participants can keep what they make.

Venue: West Launceston Primary School 24-38 Basin Rd West Launceston Multipurpose Hall

Contact: Joanne Dean   gentlefpjo@gmail.com

Date: 5/8/2018   Time: 1:0:0 PM -  3:30:0 AM

Opening hours of your venue: 8am -5pm

Wheelchair access: yes

Do people need to book for this event? : no

Entry/Participation Cost: $0


Group /Organisation: Women's Friendship Group - workshop tutor is Bararbakht Norouzi with an interpreter

Website: http://wfgtas.wordpress.com/about/

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Community Kitchen
12:00 pm12:00

Community Kitchen

Community Kitchen

Organisation: The Community Kitchen is a collaboration between Migrant Resource Centre Northern Tasmania and the Inveresk Tavern

Website: http://www.inveresktavern.com.au

Target audience: This event is open to the general public. This is a great opportunity for migrant groups to share their culture and traditions and to involve the wider community to share their food.

Event Type: The vision of the Community Kitchen is to create opportunities for new migrants to help people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds feel welcome, form relationships and integrate into the local community. It also provides them with broader social and support networks and raise cross-cultural awareness in the community.

Eventt Description: The Community Kitchen provides nine Migrant Resource Centre North community groups the opportunity to take turns cooking traditional foods each Sunday, as the Tavern hands over its kitchen to local migrant cooks.

Venue: Inveresk Tavern, 13 Dry Street, Invermay

Date: 5/8//2018 – 12pm – 2pm





Wheelchair access: Yes

Do people need to book for this event? : No booking required

Entry/Participation Cost: The cost of your meal and drinks.

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18-08-05 Afghan Hazara Menu-1.jpg
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Traditional Persian Calligraphy Workshop - Part of the Our Global Village Celebrations.
10:00 am10:00

Traditional Persian Calligraphy Workshop - Part of the Our Global Village Celebrations.

Traditional Persian Calligraphy Workshop

Part of the Our Global Village Celebrations.


Sunday, August 5th 2018


West Launceston School

24-38 Basin Rd,West Launceston TAS 7250(map)


Target audience: Open to general public

Event Type: Traditional Calligraphy Workshop

Event Description:

Persian calligraphy is one of the most famous traditional arts in Iran that is common in letters with Arabic, Urdu, some parts of India, Turkey, Tajikestan, and Afganistan…. but the style of writing is a bit different.

Iranian calligrapher performs their art works with two style of writing (Nastaliq and Cursive Nastaliq).

They are usually written in the form of short line of a famous poem or phrase. Calligraphy has an old historical background.

Calligraphy in the Middle East has always had architectural applications; as a sacred art to write holy words of Qur'an and other religious quotes and as a decoration to make architectural monuments such as mosques and shrines look more and more beautiful.

• To get community to look at one of the traditional style of writing in the world

• Compare different scripts of languages

• Community engagement to learn how to write the simple word or their name with traditional calligraphy tools: "Bamboo Pen", and "Traditional ink" over special paper.

• Promote social cohesion and creative new experience for the whole family

• Able to take home everything that has been written for them in a new language to put in a frame!

Venue: Music Hall, West Launceston School, 24-38 Basin Rd, West Launceston TAS 7250

Contact: Mehrangiz Modarres Tabatabaei


Start Date: 5/8/2018 10:00am-1:00pm

WheelChair access: Yes

Do people need to book for this event? No

Group: Afghan Women's Friendship Group


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Mandala Group Collage
10:00 am10:00

Mandala Group Collage

Mandala Group Collage (1).jpg

Mandala Group Collage

Target audience : Open to the public. Mandala Group Collage is open to the general public of all ages, and there is wheelchair accessibility. Participants will be invited to join in the process of working as a small group to develop a joint collage using paper plates and CDs as our base. Small groups and families are welcome to attend, if you’re attending as an individual or pair please be open to the experience of meeting some new people. All material provided.

Event Type: The purpose of the event is to bring people together through creating a project together. It’s very much about the process and the interactions throughout the process and it’s a nice tool for existing groups or for individuals wanting to try the benefits of creating mandala’s and art.

Event  Description: Everyone is invited to make a mandala using the art materials supplied. The base for the mandala is a paper plate or CD and when each piece is completed it will be add to create a group mandala. All ages are welcome and catered for and no previous level of skill or creativity is required.

Venue: West Launceston Primary School - Kinder building, look for signs.

Contact: Sarah Poulton  : soulexpressionsmp@yahoo.com

Date: 5/8/2018  Time: 10:0:0 AM - 1:0:0 PM

Wheelchair access: yes.

Entry/Participation Cost: $0

Other Information/Questions: Donations will be happily accepted for art supplies provided.

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Peace Service
10:00 am10:00

Peace Service

Peace Service

City Baptist photograph by Trevor Bunning (29 April 2011).jpg


Start Date: 05/08/2018

Start Time: 10:0:0 AM

End Time: 11:30:0 AM

Opening hours of your venue: The venue will be open from about 9am to 12 noon.

Venue: City Baptist Church


Organisation: City Baptist Church

Website: http://www.citybaptistchurch.net

Event Type: Christian worship service

Event Description: Peace is a very important Christian value. This service will focus on what it means to be a peacemaker following Jesus in 2018.

Event Contact: Jeff McKinnon

Event Contact: jeff@citybaptistchurch.net

Does your venue have wheelchair access: yes

photograph by Trevor Bunning

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Comfortable ride around Launceston trails about 10K
9:30 am09:30

Comfortable ride around Launceston trails about 10K


Tamar Bicycle Users Group

Website: http://www.tamarbug.org.au

Target audience: General Public

Event Type: Comfortable ride around Launceston trails about 10K

Event Description: Bike ride to build respect for our local environment and one can become happier by getting out and promoting better health

Venue: Leave form Royal Park, Park St

Event Contact: Malcolm Reid  contactus@tbug.org.au

Date: 5/8/2018       9:30:0 AM - 11:30:0 AM

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Cook and enjoy an Afghan Feast
9:00 am09:00

Cook and enjoy an Afghan Feast

  • West Launceston Primary School Kitchen classroom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Cook and enjoy an Afghan Feast

Target audience : open for all people interested to learn how to cook Afghan food

Event Type: Participants will learn how to cook an Afghan feast and have a shared meal following the workshop

Event Description: A delicious 3 course Afghan meal will be prepared in the Kitchen Classroom at West Launceston Primary School. The workshop will be limited to 8 people. Participants will sit with Afghan tutors and enjoy sharing the delicious meal together.

Venue: West Launceston Primary School 24-38 Basin Rd West Launceston Kitchen classroom

Contact: Joanne Dean   gentlefpjo@gmail.com

Event/Project Image: I have emailed an image.

Date: 5/8/2018    Time: 9:0:0 AM - 1:30:0 PM

Opening hours of your venue: 8am to 5pm

Wheelchair access: unfortunately no

Do people need to book for this event? : yes

Entry/Participation Cost: $15

Insurance: Northern Refugee Support through the City Baptist Church

Other Information/Questions: Participation cost of $15 is to cover the cost of ingredients

Group /Organisation: Women's Friendship Group

Website: http://wfgtas.wordpress.com/about/

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Afghan Embroidery Workshop
9:00 am09:00

Afghan Embroidery Workshop

  • West Launceston Primary School Multipurpose Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Afghan Embroidery Workshop

Target audience : open event

Participants, with an interest in learning embroidery techniques, can come and work beside Afghan women to learn the beautiful art of embroidery.

Event Type: Through the process of creating beautiful artwork together people experience peace. The sewing circle will be supported by an interpreter to encourage conversation and clarification of the intricacies of Afghan embroidery.

Event Description: Over the centuries, many ethnic and regional groups have developed their own form of Traditional embroidery in Afghanistan. It involves a combination of a range of materials, stitches, colours and designs. The main ethnic, regional and urban groups have their own embroidery styles. We are fortunate in Launceston to have many talented women sharing the Hazara style of embroidery. 

Different types of silk, cotton and wool yarns are used for embroidery on a range of different fabrics Metallic threads, spangles, sequins, mirrors (shisha) and metallic braids are also often incorporated into the designs. Beads and mirrors are also used. 

Participants will have the opportunity to try a range of stitches and techniques and will be able to take a piece home with them.

Venue: West Launceston Primary School 24-38 Basin Rd West Launceston Multipurpose Hall

Contact: Joanne Dean gentlefpjo@gmail.com

Date: 5/8/2018 9:0:0 AM - 12:0:0 PM

Opening hours of your venue: 8 am to 5 pm

Wheelchair access: yes

Do people need to book for this event? : no

Entry/Participation Cost: $0

Other Information/Questions: All materials will be provided, participants can bring their own scissors to ensure we have enough

Maryam Soltani (pictured) will be leading the workshop

Group /Organisation: Women's Friendship Group
Website: http://wfgtas.wordpress.com/about/

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Movement meets Meditation for Peace
to 5 Aug

Movement meets Meditation for Peace

  • West Launceston Primary School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
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Movement meets Meditation for Peace

Target audience : Open Event - adults

Event Type: Community Dance & Meditation for Peace

Sooth flowing music to support resting states and a combination of stirring, flowing, uplifting & rhythmic eclectic world music with guidance to inspire your creative dance movement.

Practise suitable for adults 18 - 80 years, with no dance steps to follow.

Please bring a yoga mat, water bottle & wear comfortable soft clothing that allows for movement.

Event Description: Dance Movement & Meditation session for Peace, Joy & Wellbeing.

Venue: West Launceston Primary School 24-38 Basin Road West Launceston, TAS, 7250 Australia

Contact: Stephanie Honey  stephaniehoney1@gmail.com

Date: 4/8/2018  Time:11:30:0 AM - 12:30:0 PM

Wheelchair access: Yes

Do people need to book for this event? : No

Website: https://www.facebook.com/restorativerestingandmovementretreat/

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Peace Dinner
6:30 pm18:30

Peace Dinner

Event Type: Two course sit down dinner for the street community of Launceston.

Note: This event is not open to the general public.

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Event Description: The Peace Dinner provides the street community a safe place of peace and acceptance with a trained team of volunteers providing a listening ear and a hearty home cooked meal.

Start Date: 04/08/2018

Start Time: 6:30:0 PM

End Time: 8:30:0 PM


Venue: Milton Hall, 13 Frederick Street

Event Contact: Jeff McKinnon

Event Contact: jeff@citybaptistchurch.net

Does your venue have wheelchair access: Wheelchair access can be provided.

Organisation: City Baptist Church

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White Ribbon Night
6:00 pm18:00

White Ribbon Night

White Ribbon Night (2).jpg

White Ribbon Night at the Kingsway Bar

Saturday August 4th - 6pm -Late


Free Live Music

Drink Specials

Food Services by South Coast Canteen.


What is White Ribbon...

Our Vision

A nation that respects women, in which every woman lives in safety, free from all forms of men’s abuse

Our Purpose

Engaging men to make women’s safety a man’s issue too

Our Values

We are committed to the following values and bring these to bear in all facets of what we do:

Courage: in facing challenges and finding creative and innovative solutions

Integrity: ethical, honest and accountable to all

Respect: compassionate, honouring and acknowledging difference and upholding dignity

Collaboration: working collaboratively to drive positive social change

Leadership: leaders in driving lasting, positive, normative change


Event Contact:  jenc@georgetown.tas.gov.au  


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The Tamar Valley Peace Festival Community Welcome Dinner
6:00 pm18:00

The Tamar Valley Peace Festival Community Welcome Dinner

  • Northern Suburbs Community Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Tamar Valley Peace Festival Community Welcome Dinner

Saturday 4 August, 6pm-9pm, Northern Suburbs Community Centre


You're invited to our Launceston Community Welcome Dinner!
Do you love trying foods from different cultures? Are you new to Australia and want to meet more local friends? Do you want to build a welcoming and inclusive community?

Then join us at a Community Welcome dinner in Launceston, celebrating with the Tamar Valley Peace Festival!

A Community Welcome Dinner provides opportunities for new and established Australians, people from all walks of life, to share delicious food and make new connections. Cook your favourite food or bring a dish from your culture and share it with us at a pot luck-style dinner. Be touched and entertained by stories of life, love and change from the people you meet. Find out how much our multicultural and multifaith communities have in common. You will be surprised!

Entry is FREE and everyone is invited. Places are limited, so register now to book your seat!

This Community Welcome Dinner is proudly supported by the University of Tasmania, the Northern Suburbs Community Centre and in conjunction with the Tamar Valley Peace Festival. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up?

Register online at launcestoncommdinner.eventbrite.com.au . Sign up every member of a family or group of friends individually in your booking. On event day, we will mark your names and assign you a dinner table number.

How do I get there?

Bus no. 6 or 10 to stop 13 George Town Road. Car parking is available on site and on the road.

University of Tasmania students may catch the free UTAS bus from Newnham Campus departing at 5.45pm. Please ensure you register for the bus through eventbrite. 

What food shall I bring?

Bring a savoury or sweet dish to share with other guests. Please bring food that does not require heating or assembling at the venue as there will not be cooking facilities available on event day. We will contact you before the event to answer any questions.

I have special dietary requirements. Can I attend?

Yes. All guests will introduce their dishes and the ingredients before dinner starts. If you are unsure of what a dish contains, please ask our facilitators at your dinner table and they will be happy to help you. You may bring something you wish to eat yourself. Some guests may also cater to people with special dietary requirements. We advise you to be aware of your own needs and not risk anything you are not sure of.

Will alcohol be served? Can I bring my own wine or beer?

All Welcome Dinner Project events are alcohol-free. We provide water, soft drinks and juice.

Can I attend if I can’t communicate fluently in English? 

Yes. We welcome people from all backgrounds and encourage cross-cultural connections. Our facilitators at your dinner table will be happy to assist you.

Can children attend the event?

Yes. We advise all children be supervised by their parents/guardians at all times. Children must be registered under the bookings of their parents/guardians.

Who do I contact if I have other questions? 

We will contact all registered participants by phone and email before the event. You may highlight your concerns to our friendly facilitators before the event or on the day of the dinner.

Proudly supported by the University of Tasmania, the Northern Suburbs Community Centre and the Tamar Valley Peace Festival.

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Women Dance for Peace
3:00 pm15:00

Women Dance for Peace

Women Dance for Peace

Target audience: Women and girls of all ages and cultures

Event Type: Community Dance

Event Description: Come and join women and girls from various cultures as we dance together for peace. No dance experience is necessary, just lots of enthusiasm. Everyone is welcome.

Venue: Tasdance Studio, 197 Wellington St, Launceston

Event Project Contact: Alison Jales: alisonjales@hotmail.co.uk

Date: 8/4/218  3 PM – 5pm

Wheelchair access: No

Do people need to book for this event?: No

Entry/Participation Cost: $0

Organisation: Friends of Tasdance

Website: http://www.tasdance.com.au/friends/

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Taking the Lead : A Pet Parade for Peace
2:00 pm14:00

Taking the Lead : A Pet Parade for Peace

Taking the Lead : A Pet Parade for Peace

Organisation: Studio Space Theatre Company and St Giles Society

Target audience: This is in an inclusive event that is free to participate and attend and is aimed towards people of all ages and all abilities.

Event/Project Type: Taking the Lead is an inclusive public performance that requires you to get involved and bring your pet along. Imagine Civic square is your runway, you have two Mc’s discussing you and your pets fashion style, the Ferguson’s are playing  there is  a crowd and so much support.

This is a public performance with volunteer performers at the Civic Square precinct, and is guaranteed to be a fun and entertaining afternoon for all.

There are several ways to get involved:

If you love animals and love dressing up – then we want you on the runway. If you like to dress up , but do not have a pet – no problem, soft toys are welcome.

Everyone else – we want you in the audience.

Event/Project Description: To participate with your pet please contact adstudiospace@gmail.com to register your participation and find out about rehearsal times.

This is a free, inclusive all ages all pets event – *BUT please note you are responsible for your pets behaviour (and any business it may do) So, whilst all care is given by organisers – you are responsible for your pet.

The parade starts at 2pm on Saturday 3rd of August.

You may wish to bring a camp chair.

Venue: Civic Square


Event Contact: adstudiospace@gmail.com

Start Date: 4/8/2018 2pm -3pm

Wheelchair access: yes

Do people need to book for this event? : Not to attend, you have to book to participate

Participation Cost: $0.00

Website: http://www.studiospacetheatreco.org.au


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 Building a portable garden box of recycled timber
1:30 pm13:30

 Building a portable garden box of recycled timber

  • West Launceston Primary School School Garden (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

 Building a portable garden box of recycled timber

Target audience : open

Participants will have the opportunity to build their own garden box

Event Type: People will be able to make their own portable garden box to grow their own food at home. Food security brings Peace and the added joy of planting and tending a garden for the person growing the garden.

Event Description: A hands-on practical activity where participants can build their own garden box. It is simple to do and fun to make.

Venue: West Launceston Primary School 24-38 Basin Rd West Launceston School Garden

 Contact: Jack Dean    gentlefpjo@gmail.com

Date: 4/8//2018   1:30:0 PM - 3:30:0 PM

Opening hours of your venue: 8am to 5pm

Wheelchair access: yes

Do people need to book for this event? : no

Entry/Participation Cost: $0



Group /Organisation: West Launceston Primary School
Gentle Footprints Permaculture

Website: http://westlauncestonprimary.education.tas.edu.au/

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