Peace Doves
For schools, business and you.
The peace doves are popular initiative, first launched in schools as part of the Tamar Valley Peace Festival. Each year we ask teachers to participate in conversations with their students about what peace means to them and what we can all do to help make the world more peaceful. Students are asked to decorate and write messages of peace on their doves, transforming them into a beautiful display for their schools.
This year we would like to extend the Peace Doves to businesses, organisations and all individuals who would like to do the same.
You could encourage your customers, collegues, family and friends to decorate and message their own peace dove and display it in a prominent place to remind everyone that with small daily gestures, we can all make a big contribution to a peaceful world.
Below are links to the Peace Dove templates. The templates can be printed onto plain, A4 paper.
We would love to see your messages and finished designs. If you would like to share these to the Tamar peace community, please post to our Instagram and Facebook pages. #TamarPeaceFestival #PeaceDoves
Click the image above to open the School Peace Dove template. Click here to download information for school peace projects.
Click the image above to open the School’s Peace Dove template. Click here to download information for teachers
Click the image above to open the Peace Dove template. Click here to download information for all peace supporters.