Women in Leadership – Panel Event
Event Type: Leadership Panel
Event Description: This dynamic panel features three powerful Tasmanian women talking about managing through change, work-life balance, managing your Board and power dynamics.
TasCOSS CEO Kym Goodes will host this unique networking and professional development opportunity.
Panel members:
Alderman Janie Finlay, City of Launceston
Naomi Walsh, Executive Manager, Virieux Group and Rosevears Developments
Jo Archer, Proprietor, Linking Tasmania
Venue: Peppers Seaport Hotel, 28 Seaport Boulevard, Launceston, Tasmania
Contact: Bridget Delaney, Community Sector Development Officer, bridget@tascoss.org.au
Date: 7th August, Time: 11:45am – 2:00pm
Wheelchair access: Yes
Organisation: Tasmanian Council of Social Service
Website: www.tascoss.org.au