Colourful Bag Sewing Workshop
Target audience : open
Event open to all ages with an interest in sewing.
Event/Project Type: Sewing together for birds, sealife and wildlife.
Event/Project Description: Colourful bags will be made from upcycled fabric to replace single use plastic bags. These can be reused many times in any way that a plastic bag is used. Experiencing peace by working together on a creative solution to an issue of concern to us all. Showing respect for all living things by reducing the potential risk to birds, sea creatures and wildlife. All materials will be provided and a suite of sewing machines set up to sew and participants can keep what they make.
Venue: West Launceston Primary School 24-38 Basin Rd West Launceston Multipurpose Hall
Contact: Joanne Dean
Date: 5/8/2018 Time: 1:0:0 PM - 3:30:0 AM
Opening hours of your venue: 8am -5pm
Wheelchair access: yes
Do people need to book for this event? : no
Entry/Participation Cost: $0
Group /Organisation: Women's Friendship Group - workshop tutor is Bararbakht Norouzi with an interpreter