Building a garden bed with Eco-bricks
Target audience : open
Participants will be involved with hands-on construction of garden bed at the WLPS garden. It will involve using eco-bricks which are 2l milk containers filled with soft plastics in an effort to reduce the risk of plastics entering the ocean and impacting on marine life. The garden bed is designed to complement the kitchen garden by creating a growing space for healthy vegetables and herbs.
Event Type: In all countries across the globe we share a common link of experiencing peace in community when people are nourished with health-giving food. This workshop demonstrates a simple technique to create a garden bed, with the added benefit of respecting marine life by reducing plastic pollution.
Event Description: Building an eco-brick garden bed is simple but like all jobs in the garden "many hands make light work". Participants will each have a task to perform and assist with building the garden bed. The physical construction of the garden bed will be stage one, with completion of the garden bed occurring over the following weeks in preparation for planting in spring.
Venue: West Launceston Primary School 24-38 Basin Rd West Launceston
Contact: Joanne Dean
Date: 4/8//2018 Time: 1:30:0 PM - 3:30:0 PM
Opening hours of your venue: 8am to 5pm
Wheelchair access: yes
Do people need to book for this event? : no
Entry/Participation Cost: $0
Group /Organisation: Gentle Footprints Permaculture