Philosophy in the Pub - "The Ethics of Coercion"
6:00 pm18:00

Philosophy in the Pub - "The Ethics of Coercion"

Philosophy in the Pub will critically engage with the 2024 theme of the Tamar Valley Peace Festival ‘Peace starts with me’, by discussing the topic, ‘The Ethics of Coercion’.

Discussions at Philosophy in the Pub are free ranging, broad and critical examinations of the topic at hand. Discussion on this theme may include (but are not be limited to):

  1. What might ‘peace starts with me’ actually mean in practice?’

  2. Can peace be consistently and/or ethically pursued by coercive means? and;

  3. Is a peace achieved by coercion a peace worth having?

Join us at the Gunners Arms,

Tuesday October 1st at 6.00pm - 7.30pm

Philosophy in the Pub is a free, walk-in event. All are welcome*.

What is Philosophy in the Pub?

Philosophy in the Pub is a regular, monthly opportunity for members of the Launceston community to meet and discuss, in some depth, a philosophical topic of their own choosing.

*Held on licensed premises, restrictions apply with respect to unaccompanied minors.

Philosophy in the Pub is hosted by philosophers from the University of Tasmania as part of its commitment to ongoing intellectual engagement with the broader Tasmanian community.

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Free for All First Set Performance “Chants and Meditations”
4:00 pm16:00

Free for All First Set Performance “Chants and Meditations”

A short performance of meditative, improvised instrumental music, then all are welcome to join in and create music in the moment with others.

For more information about this event please contact Suzanne at

Accessibility: Sawtooth ARI is Wheelchair accessible, however the bathroom is not.

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Ecstatic Dance
2:45 pm14:45

Ecstatic Dance

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ecstatic dance:

…designed to help you access a state of flow and connect with your innermost self.

Surrounded by a welcoming community of fellow dancers, you'll be guided through a journey of movement and music, where you'll have the freedom to dance in whatever way feels most natural to you.

To register for this free event, email:

For more information

please contact Eric Hutchinson @

Ecology of Movement

Phone: 0499 865 962

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Circle Dancing
1:00 pm13:00

Circle Dancing

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Circle dancing is the oldest form of community dance celebrating the seasons, life, love and loss.

To participate in a circle dance is like stepping into the shoes of someone from a different culture. These dances promote understanding and celebration of our differences and similarities.

Launceston Circle Dancers

For more information contact Julie Walpole on

0402 048 147 or email:


Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Ukes for Peace! Group Sing
11:30 am11:30

Ukes for Peace! Group Sing

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join the Ukulele & Guitar Jam Launceston crew for a feel-good endorphin rush.

When you join in a mass singalong to upbeat rock ‘n roll tunes you’ll know and love! You can expect raucous music and loads of laughs with this mob.

Everyone welcome.

For further information contact Jackie at

Accessibility: The Peace Festival Hub is wheelchair accessible

Ukulele & Guitar Jam Launceston

Our group runs fortnightly Ukulele & Guitar Jams at the Riverside Golf Club.

I also run regular small loungeroom groups to teach beginners the basics so they can join in the fun.

The Launceston Ukulele Jamboree brings performers and participants from all around Australia and overseas! It’s an annual 4-day festival of all things uke and is part of our toolkit of Community Music fun.

For more information call Jackie on : 0487 927 449 or email

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Bollywood Dance @ the Peace Hub
10:30 am10:30

Bollywood Dance @ the Peace Hub

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Enjoy a vibrant mid-morning interlude of dance

Sundarta Bollywood take you on a vibrant whirlwind of entertainment, through a colourful journey of Bollywood dance.

FREE walk-in, 30 minute performance/demonstration. No bookings required.

For more information about this session or Sundarta Bollywood, please contact Lisa Sherrin on 0400 914 413 or email at

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Global Grooves
9:30 am09:30

Global Grooves


Connected Women Tasmania aims to create a welcoming environment for migrant women and supports them to build confidence, skills and have a sense of belongingness while enhancing their mental health and well-being through social connections and community involvement.

Join us for this free event.

For further information please contact:


Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Exploring Movement and Dance for Mental Health
6:00 pm18:00

Exploring Movement and Dance for Mental Health

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

connecting to our bodies through the power of dance offers a pathway to release, revitalise and restore.

Join Cat Freeman in a dance workshop that will explore these ideas with the aims of finding inner peace and to deepen our relationships with ourselves and others. No dance experience necessary.

This is an adults event.

To reserve your place at this FREE EVENT register at

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Flow - Shifting mood through movement (on paper)
2:30 pm14:30

Flow - Shifting mood through movement (on paper)

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Other creative activities still available are:

1000 Hearts: A social enterprise which encourages kindness through action. Materials and instructions provided.

Follow this link to view

Reflections of Peace: An art exhibition produced by Riverside High School Grade 8 students.

More Information here

Peace Through Patchwork - It begins with you!: A hand-quilting workshop. Learn with experienced tutors. Materials provided.

Follow this link to view


Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

Flow is an unique opportunity to connect with your friends and yourself on a creative and emotional level.

Explore your mood in this creative space, and find ways to express your emotions or process an emotion that has been weighing you down.

Maybe you need to let go of some tension or pent-up frustration and find some calm and serenity. You’ll be surprised how quickly you can shift from one mood to another utilising paper and pastels, guided by the skills of Sarah, a qualified Sensorimotor Art Therapist

For more information contact

Sarah Poulton: Ph: 0407 363 403

Or email:

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Working Towards Equality Panel
1:00 pm13:00

Working Towards Equality Panel

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a chaired panel of Lived Experience speakers; representatives of advocacy and educational organisations.

They will address the ways in which we can move towards a safer and more inclusive society.

The panel five speakers include Sharon Corvinus-Jones and Jo Corvinus- Jones from Kentish Regional Clinic, Joseph McLennan from Working it Out and two speakers from Engender Equality.

Amanda Aitken from the Mental Health Council Tasmania will chair this panel.

Following the discussions you will be invited to take part in a Q&A session.

Tickets are limited at this FREE EVENT.

Please reserve your place with Amanda Aitken at

For further information about this event please contact:

Amanda at

Jo at or

Kentish Regional Clinic at


Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Mental Health Literacy:  Water Well Project and Women's Friendship Group
11:00 am11:00

Mental Health Literacy: Water Well Project and Women's Friendship Group

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us in this culturally sensitive and interactive mental health education session.

The Water Well Project is a non-for-profit organization. The Women’s Friendship Group is a local volunteer group supporting CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) women and families in resettlement.

The two groups have partnered to deliver this event exploring mental health in a culturally sensitive session. Let’s help break down stigma and develop some great strategies.

The session is facilitated by healthcare professionals.

This is a FREE EVENT. Interpreters provided.

To register to attend or for further information please contact Robyn Flittner at

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Nia Dance Class
10:00 am10:00

Nia Dance Class

Let your spirit soar!

Nia is a flowing, uplifting, and empowering movement practice, suitable for all ages & abilities.

It’s fun, soulful and energetic.

Come and experience the Magic of Nia ... Mind, Body, Spirit, Heart & Soul Nourishment!

All are welcome to this free event.

For more information or to register your place, contact

Hayley Crawford at

or phone 0408 672 194


Nia Dance Class will be available for a second Peace Festival session on Friday 27th September, 10.00 -11.00am

Accessibility: Wheel chair access available by arrangement.

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Pop Up Playgroup
9:00 am09:00

Pop Up Playgroup

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes 93 Cimitiere Street (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We warmly invite you to share in a vibrant morning of joyful play, enriching activities and inspiring discussions at our Playgroup Tasmania Pop-Up Playgroup to celebrate the Tamar Valley Peace Festival 2024.

This year’s theme is “Peace... It Starts with Me.”

Come and be part of the celebration and experience the joy of peace together at Playgroup!

To register for this FREE EVENT please contact Playgroup at

Accessibility: Wheelchair access available

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Men's Circle
6:15 pm18:15

Men's Circle

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is an opportunity for men to gather , 'campfire style', and to take some time to connect with other men in an authentic and peaceful way.

It's a chance to catch our breath; check-in, listen, laugh and honour our lives together.

For more information or to register your place at this FREE EVENT, please contact Luke McCormack at

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Men's Health Panel
4:30 pm16:30

Men's Health Panel

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event aims to show the importance of addressing men's health challenges to achieve peace.

Join our panellists as they share their personal health challenges; how they are learning to live vulnerably, to accept change and to find peace and positivity in their lives.

Stuart Auckland will share his lived experience as a stage 4 cancer patient. In particular, he will focus on how such a diagnosis can present a pathway to inner peace through accepting and embracing change and focusing on the “light between the cracks.”

Mick Hearn will share how he thought he’d worked out how to live vulnerably until he was no longer in his ivory tower. Having skin in the game has taught him that only now the real work begins.

Dave Campbell will share his journey to recovery and running ultramarathons after experiencing a brain haemorrhage

The short presentations will be followed by a Q and A session.

Please register at to take part in this free event

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.


PANELIST: Stuart Auckland


PANELIST: Michael Hearn


PANELIST: David Campbell

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Poetry for Peace and Nature
2:30 pm14:30

Poetry for Peace and Nature

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Through poetry and nature we can create peace.

An open-mic opportunity to share poetry for Peace and Nature.

Read your own creations or choose words you love that have been written by your favourite author/poet.

Facilitated by local author Don Defenderfer.

Don will also read words: some of his favourites as well as his own poetry.

For more information and to register for this event, please contact Don at:

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Building health knowledge for a better future
1:00 pm13:00

Building health knowledge for a better future

  • Peace Festival Hub at St.Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Navigating health information can be tricky, but it doesn't have to be!

Join us for an engaging talk where we'll share practical tips and tricks to help you find, understand and use health information with confidence.

To register for this free event please contact Amanda Aitken at

Jordan de Hoog: Health Literacy and Equity Research Unit, University of Tasmania

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Stretch and Strengthen
10:00 am10:00

Stretch and Strengthen

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Stretch and Strengthen

An excellent way to compliment general living!

The session is a mix of pilates, yoga, general strength work using body weight and stretching. Varied approach to improve balance, core strength, flexibility and general strength in a quiet and enjoyable way. Most exercises and stretches within this session have options for gentle through to more challenging levels with consistent cues to help people feel comfortable to work at their own level and achieve success. An opportunity for 5min relaxation and meditation at the end of the session is always valued!

Led by an experienced instructor with over 30 years in the well being industry.

To register your place at this free event, email:

For more information please contact

Megs Culhane on 0419 587 717

or email

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Gardening and Hot Composting at Inveresk Community Garden
9:00 am09:00

Gardening and Hot Composting at Inveresk Community Garden

  • UTAS Inveresk Community Garden (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tending to gardens, whether large or small, for food or for pleasure, teach fundamental skills everybody can Learn and love

Join us during the Tamar valley Peace Festival at our regular Thursday morning session at Inveresk Community Garden.

Learn the basics of nurturing your garden using hot composting with this special workshop.

The composting workshop starts at 10.30am as part of the regular gardening session.

Hot Composting with Jeff McClintock


Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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7:30 am07:30


  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Through the harmonisation of the mind, body and breath, regulate the nervous system, enhance physical health and invigorate all levels of human experience.

Join Chinese doctor and acupuncturist Nicholas Beasley for an ancient healing practice involving gentle movements, breathing techniques and self-massage suitable for all bodies at any age.

For further information or to register for this event please contact Dr Nicholas Beasley


Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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"Peace Expressed"- Launceston Toastmasters
7:00 pm19:00

"Peace Expressed"- Launceston Toastmasters

  • 8 High Street East Launceston, TAS, 7250 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What does peace mean to you?

Launceston Toastmasters are presenting a special meeting for the Tamar Valley Peace Festival, exploring the theme “Peace Expressed”.

Come, listen and speak up on what peace means to you.

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

Have you attended Toastmasters before?

If you would like to find out more about Toastmasters or this free event please contact

Marylou Townsend at

or Phone 0428 440 775

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"Take a Minute" - 7 minute challenge
2:30 pm14:30

"Take a Minute" - 7 minute challenge

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This one hour workshop will guide you through the 7 minute challenge.

The challenge will help you make a connection between the people, places and activities in your life and how they boost your mental wellbeing.

We’ll use the photos on your phone’s camera roll to guide the activity.

Please register your place at this free workshop.


Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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The Women's Health Revolution! A panel discussion.
1:00 pm13:00

The Women's Health Revolution! A panel discussion.

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a panel discussion about the big issues facing the women's health movement today - with current and future women's health activists.

Facilitated by Jo Flanagan, CEO of Women's Health Tasmania, with Dr Sue Mallett, Clinical Director of the Launceston Women's Health Clinic and Founder of Womankind, and Bea Shackloth, Abortion Peer Worker and emerging leader in the exciting new area of services led by people with lived experience.

To join us for this FREE EVENT register at:



For further information about the panel discussion please email Jo at

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Garden of Peace and Reflection
11:00 am11:00

Garden of Peace and Reflection

  • Northern Suburbs Community Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come along and help us celebrate Northern Suburbs Community Centre Garden of Reflection and Peace.

There will be music, laughter and an opportunity to make new friends, and a free nutritious lunch.

Please RSVP to or call 6326 5506

Find us on Facebook

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Our people, their stories: Peter Gutwein
10:30 am10:30

Our people, their stories: Peter Gutwein

  • Meeting Room QVMAG Inveresk (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“The harder you work, the luckier you become”; my life leading to The Walk for an Inclusive Tasmania:Peter Gutwein

Peter was a child migrant from very modest circumstances. Born with a speech impediment and a crippling fear of public speaking, he dropped out of school at 15 and left Tasmania at age 20.

Working his way up to senior executive roles in the finance and insurance sector, Peter has lived and worked in WA, the ACT and overseas in Ireland. After returning to Tasmania with his wife Amanda, they bought a hotel and became publicans in Bridport.

Peter’s career in politics started in 1995, serving in various ministries, before becoming one of Tasmania's longest serving Treasurers in 2014, and serving as Tasmanian Premier from 2020-2022 during the most challenging economic, health and social changes in recent history.

He now works with the boards and executive teams of a range of globally leading companies engaged in the energy transition sector. Additionally he chairs MRC Tas. who manage the Federal Governments Humanitarian settlement service for refugees.

Recently he stood against racism and walked nearly 350km across Tasmania to start a positive conversation about the contribution that migrants and refugees make to our local communities. Along the way he met some amazing people who are building new lives here whilst at the same time doing their bit to help build Tasmania both socially and economically.


Come and hear about Peter’s fascinating life about his mission goals at this special session of the Friends of the QVMAG.

This FREE EVENT is open to the general public.

Please contact Vicki Dewsbury on 0459 658 457 for further information,

Or register your place at

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Health Services Expo
10:00 am10:00

Health Services Expo

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is an opportunity to come and meet with community service providers in Health Literacy.

Find out about the health services on offer, register for programs, request referrals, ask about workshops and talk to the representatives who work in the Launceston area.

Services include

  • Palliative Care Tasmania,

  • Carer Gateway,

  • Diabetes Tasmania

  • Launceston Community Legal Service,

  • Laurel House and

  • Tasmanian Voluntary Assisted Dying Commission.

This is a walk-in session. No bookings are required.

For further information please contact Amanda Aitken on

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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Nia Dance Class
7:00 pm19:00

Nia Dance Class

Let your spirit soar!

Nia is a flowing, uplifting, and empowering movement practice, suitable for all ages & abilities.

It’s fun, soulful and energetic.

Come and experience the Magic of Nia ... Mind, Body, Spirit, Heart & Soul Nourishment!

All are welcome to this free event.

Nia Dance Class is also available Friday 27th, 10.00am to 11.00am

For more information or to register your place, contact

Hayley Crawford at

or phone 0408 672 194


Nia Dance Class will be available for a second Peace Festival session on Friday 27th September, 10.00 -11.00am

Accessibility: Wheel chair access available by arrangement.

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Community and Cultural Conversations
2:30 pm14:30

Community and Cultural Conversations

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come along and meet our friendly and welcome teams from Welcome Cultural Services, Starting Point Neighbourhood House and Northern Suburbs Community Centre.

We would love to share with you the free services, supports and social activities we provide. We cater to all of community , all ages and capacities,

Pop into this FREE EVENT

Accessibility: Wheel chair access available

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Abortion Access Advocacy Workshop- Women's Health, Tasmania
10:00 am10:00

Abortion Access Advocacy Workshop- Women's Health, Tasmania

Put your values into action!

To register for this free workshop visit


Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

We are looking for community members to spread the word that abortion is legal, available and affordable in Tasmania.

Why? Because too many people think it is not.

At our workshop we will share information about this health service with you and we'll give you the tools to be able to share the information with others.

Help us harness the power of chatting. After all, Tasmania is a state of people who love a chat. Together, we will help tackle decades of silence about this service in Tasmania.

The workshop is free and includes gluten-free, vegetarian morning tea.

This is an information session - we will not be seeking personal stories of abortion. All genders welcome.


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CORES- Self Care & Mental Wellbeing Workshop
9:00 am09:00

CORES- Self Care & Mental Wellbeing Workshop

  • Peace Festival Hub at St Lukes (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Self Care & Mental Wellbeing Workshop

This two-hour self-care and mental wellbeing workshop will provide participants with the skills and resources to develop an individualized self-care and mental wellbeing plan or learn how to support someone that encompasses activities to enhance physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health on a daily basis.

The workshop will explore the concept of self-care and mental wellbeing, how to identify personal signs of stress and simple strategies that can be used to manage individual stress levels on an everyday basis.

Register for this free CORES event at:

For more information, please contact:

Kentish Regional Clinic office

on 6491 1 552 or email

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible.

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