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The Launceston Human Library

  • The Old Uni Café (under Education lecture theatres 1&2 - Map reference BE24) University of Tasmania, Newnham Campus Newnham Drive Newnham TASMANIA 7250 AUSTRALIA (map)

The Launceston Human Library invites you to come and spend 20mns of peaceful conversation with someone in our community you have not met before.

The Launceston Human Library program was awarded a Tasmanian Human Rights Award in 2014. It brings in to Launceston a methodology developed worldwide which aims at building a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. The Human Library is a place where real people (from our community) are on loan to readers (you). A place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered.

Participation is free.

Booking: Anyone can just turn up and read a Human Book on the spot BUT if you want to stay for the Welcome Dinner , you MUST BOOK

Date: Saturday 29 July

Time: 5:00pm 6:00pm

Venue: The Old Uni Café (under Education lecture theatres 1&2 - Map reference BE24)

University of Tasmania, Newnham Campus

Come at 5pm and allow time for a couple of 20mns conversations.

So far, we have the following Human Books  – there may be a few other titles as well, which we will confirm closer to the date.

·         The CARDS I WAS DEALT,- Life is like a game of cards. You can't choose what you're dealt but you can decide how to play them.

·         The CHALLENGE OF LIFE IN A WHEELCHAIR, The - How a spinal trauma changed my life overnight  

·         CLIMBING MOUNT KILIMANJARO, 1969 - Both a physical and a cultural adventure!

·         DISABILITY CAN’T STOP ME I am able to live independently, partly because my parents never gave up on me.

·         LIVING WITH A GUIDE DOG - Since my new friend's arrival, my daily life has changed for the best. Of course, it has come with a surprise or two…

·         MAKING AUSTRALIA MY NEW HOME - I came from Germany to Australia in 1952, to work on the Trevallyn Hydro scheme, and later worked as an Ansett employee. I have had varied life experiences.

·         TEARS FOR THE OPERA HOUSE - What was it that moved me to tears as a migrant ship sailed into Sydney Harbour? (Britishmigrant)

·         The VALLEY OF SEARCH - “The stages that mark the wayfarer’s journey are said to be seven”. My spiritual journeying began with agnosticism and ended with Baha’i. On the way I passed through strange “valleys”.

Note: Anyone can walk in and meet a Human Book (no bookings needed) … but if you are staying for the Welcome Dinner, you MUST BOOK ahead.

Any further information, feel free to contact Mike Mc Causland  or 0497 258 761

The program is an initiative of the City of Launceston.

Consider joining the Welcome Dinner (BOOKINGS REQUIRED) from 6:00 to 9:00pm in the same location (check event on Tamar Valley Peace festival)


Earlier Event: 29 July
Women Dance For Peace
Later Event: 29 July
Welcome Dinner